11. November 2021 um 18:00 – 20:00 Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Liebe Karlsruhe Community,

wir laden euch zu einem Sprachen Tandem ein

am 11.11. um 18Uhr in der Kulturküche.

Wir freuen uns auf einen interkulturellen Austausch mit euch!




Dear Karlsruhe community,

Layouth is proud to present our new and first collaboration with our dearest Kulturküche, which consist in an amazing night where you are able to improve your language skills and meet new people.

The language tandem will consist mainly in the speaking of two languages – Spanish and German, but that won’t stop you from getting to know more about Portuguese or even Russian.

The tandem needs a pre-registration so we can be sure to partner you with a language buddy previous to the event and some data such as your level of Spanish and German. You will be assigned a partner but that does not necessarily mean you should talk to the partner until the end of the event. Switching and mixing is always an option.

The event will happen on the 11th of November, from 18:00 to 20:00 at Kulturküche (Kaiserstraße 47, Karlsruhe). During those two hours we will be serving drinks and snacks so you can better enjoy the cozy and nice atmosphere of the place.

Donations to Kulturküche will be collected in the entrance of the event – if you want to know more about their amazing work, here are the informations: https://kulturkueche-karlsruhe.de

To know more about our work and the building up of our Latin community follow our instagram: @la.youth

We cannot wait to have you with us in this evening full of culture and joy.


LAYOUTH & Kulturküche